Lydia Silversong


Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) – Nico Vega

You woke up. You’re aware now. Older and wiser. You know to keep your guard up now. Even so, the second he looks at it, it crumbles to the ground at his feet.

You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid – The Offspring

For the first time in a very long time you felt protected. You felt special, chosen, important. Then you found out those feelings are addictive, and increasingly harder to get.

Lydia – Highly Suspect

Am I good for you? Are you bad for me? Trapped by love, losing control, have I hit this theme on the head hard enough yet? Cause Lydia’s going to beat that drum till the day she dies.

Black Wedding – In This Moment

When frustration of being underestimated bubbles up and threatens to explode out of you.  One day you’ll show them you’re not to be messed with. Just because someone has a pretty smile doesn’t mean they won’t use it to ruin your life.

Heart of Glass – Blondie, Philip Glass

When you want to slip into the void and just never come out. When you’re down so deep you can’t leave your bed for days.  And you can’t feel like yourself again because you don’t know who you are without them. 

Losing Grip – Avril Lavigne

Feeling unwanted and abandoned is your worst fear – and he knew that. Once you lose trust it’s impossible to get it back. So you can’t control sadness then can change it into anger. Also, you can’t have a mid 2000s scene-kid character without an Avril Lavigne song.

-Campaign Start-

Fake It – Seether

Gotta get up, gotta to put on a show. You’re past the exhaustion, but it must go on! If you pretend like you know what you’re doing long enough eventually people will believe you. If Lydia had a theme song this would be it, specifically at the beginning of the campaign. It exemplifies the image Lydia tries to project to the rest of the world.

Liar (It Takes One To Know One) – Taking Back Sunday

You hate him. You can’t stop thinking about him. Why are you writing a song about him? Hate and half-truths are familiar, inviting. Everyone else sees before you do, but you’ve never been so glad you were wrong.

I Don’t Care – Fallout Boy

“I don’t care what you think as long as it’s about me” is basically Lydia’s slogan. It’s okay to live in chaos as long as you contain it in your head. After all, you’re painting a portrait, make sure to hide the brushstrokes.

Hardest of Hearts- Florence And The Machine

You want to love, there’s nothing that you want more. But those walls you built are hard to see over and even harder to cross. Just hope the one you let through is the right one this time.

Sick Muse – Metric

When you fall, you fall fast and you fall hard. But bracing for the impact doesn’t make it hurt any less. If only stupid Cupid would shoot his arrows elsewhere.

Graveyard – Halsey

When love is your religion it’s hard to think straight. You’re jaded enough to know it’s going to end badly, but you’re still naive enough to be hopeful.

Wish That You Were Here – Florence and The Machine

What does love feel like? Is it what you’ve felt before? If you really had it would you be questioning it now?  This is how how you’re supposed to act, right? This time it feels different. Lydia would write this song at this moment in the campaign.  

Haunting – Halsey

You try to get someone out of your head so hard, but that just keeps you thinking of them. If you follow the breadcrumbs they’ve got to lead somewhere right?

Coming Down – Halsey

Love is your drug of choice. And even though you’re seeing straight right now you see a relapse coming.  Still, you know it’ll be worth it.

Lead to Light – Nico Vega

It’s exhausting, loving people that you also hate.  You try to control it, but who are you kidding? You never been able to control anything that comes out of your head.