
Eien is a wandering druid, who travels the lands of a world she’s never known looking for a home she never had. This playlist is a testament to her view of the world, in all its terror, pain, and wonder. Em’s comments on the song choices follow.

Sense of Home – Harrison Storm

Time will heal all wounds. You’ll find home, heart, soul. Wander the night in search of what? Wherever or whoever that will be.

MoonSleeping At Last

You feel the cold breeze. The cattails and tall grass sway beside you, framing the sky. The dirt and rocks dig into your bones. The moon calls to you, its voice is one of millions. You feel at home.


How could they say no? What is love without pain? Where is your mercy? You are not alone, and neither are they.


Hair the color of a murder. The night is cold. You should have known. Ghosts shouldn’t be trusted. He was gone when you woke up.

Forest Fires Axel Flovent

You’ve seen it all. Sweet is the love of bitter. Your vows. Your enemies. The promises. The sweet. The bitter. The cold. You’ll wander on.

Earth Sleeping At Last

You don’t know who you are. Where you came from; where they went. Bury the hatchet in your own back, resentment and anger can’t live without you. You want ease. You need closure.

WeatherNovo Amor

The word feels old, the dirt is dry and the trees are wilted. Your stubborn, but you want to do what’s right. Fight for it. Fight for your life.

BeachAxel Flovent

You can keep going. You can be like the air, the dirt, the water, the fire. Forever changing, forget your roots. Become a sprout and make new ones.

Spirit Cold Tall Heights

The day is new. You are different. You aren’t weak. You are good. You need to wake up.

So Little TimeHoneywater

Would they love you? You shouldn’t wonder. Would they want you? You mustn’t dwell. Would they accept you? You already know the answer. You still want them.

Someone to StayVancouver Sleep Clinic

You have them. You can be at ease. The moon is silent and roots are strong. Trust is in love; love is in family. You’ll grow stronger, keep them.

Brother Kodaline

You love fast and trust deeply. You can be one of them; you can give yourself. You no longer tied by blood, but by hearts.